Monday 2 August 2010

I haven't posted since the 18th May, mental.
I'm too addicted to tumblr now.

So whats new, lets see..
I finished college with 'merit, distinction distinction' Good times ! And so my last two wage slips pretty much went on going out and drinking, celebrating life the usual.
This month i've actually managed not to spend all my money at once, which means i havent been living like a tramp. Yeah man.
Im all set as far as the accommodation at uni goes, all applied up there. My halls are across the road from the beach, which is pretty sweet.
My student finance is being a bit of a bitch though.
hmm what else is newww, my grampy recently passed away, so i spent a week in Scotland last week for the funeral and things. Now im back, i wish i was still there, its boring being at home, especially seeing as whilst i was away, pretty much everyone in our friendship group fell out, i miss going to the pub with the boys and girls. But oh well. Shit happens.
I handed in my notice at work. YES! and so i have 2 more days to work this week and then im done. Its sweet.

Im bored.

About Me

My photo
I'm 17, i'm at Abingdon College doing Art and Design. I love to draw, cut, stick, and generally make a mess. My room is never tidy and i have way too many cushions on my bed. I'm excited to see what 2010 brings.
